Field Trips: Other Groups

Field trips for preschools or camps are offered year-round for groups of 10-150. Our “Explore!” Trip takes students through four exhibit galleries in 30 minutes rotations.

Exhibit Galleries To Explore:

Design Park

Students will engage with exhibits focused on engineering, gravity, forces, and friction while building, testing, and improving their designs.

City Play

Students will engage with more than 10 exhibits that allow for role-playing and problem solving. The space allows for independent play and collaborative interactions with others.


Students will engage with their senses as they create, interpret, and respond to original sounds, dramatic movement, and uniquely generated scenes though self-selected materials and technology.

The Front Yard

Gross motor play and self-directed activities will support students’ physical and cognitive development, self-expression, and discovery of objects in the natural world.

Watermelon Seeds

This additional gallery is available for preschool classes only. Our youngest explorers engage in a fruit-themed world devoted to growth and development.

Info for Teachers and Chaperones 

  • Field trips are appropriate for children Pre-K through age 10. If there are children older than 10 in a mixed age froup, we recommend securing an alternate activity for the older children.
  • Minimum ratio of 1:9 for supervision (teachers and chaperones). Maximum ratio of 1:3. 
  • Depending on the group size, Museum staff may guide groups through the rotation schedule, OR may provide direction to adult chaperones for self-pacing. 

Please download the Field Trip Planning Form: Non-School Groups for complete details.

Booking Your Trip

  1. Download and complete our Field Trip Planning Form: Non-School Groups
  2. Click the button below to secure your field trip date and input details. 
  3. You’re ready to visit!